December 19, 2009 WOA Alumnus San Francisco/Oakland Bay Area Holiday Brunch

Year 2009 Holiday Brunch at the San Leandro Marina Horatio's Restaurant was the largest turn out ever. There were 28 in attendance including some "first timers".Toru Hazama who worked in the World Airways Yokota Japan facility in the 60's & 70's joined the group. Toru is currently Engineering Manager for Cathay Pacific Airlines in India. Touru Hazama's wife(old name is Yoshiko Hishiba before she married Toru) who joined World Airways Crew Schedule section at Yokota between 1971-1975". She enjoyed working for WOA and she knew many flight crew/attendants. Many flight crew will remember her as she was based in Yokota Airline Hotel. Additionally Captain Don Atkinson and Judy Mayne (friend of Margi Sikes)also were on board.

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